Sonder 013 | Dark Soundscape by William Brown, Arvo Part September 22nd was a special day. It was a day of gentle breezes and cool air, bright skies and sunbeams. It was a day...
WB: I met Ghadeer Abaido when she showed up in an orchestra rehearsal to play Totentanz, Liszt’s monument to the Dies irae. By the end of the exposition I was thoroughly entranced by her playing. Everything Ghadeer plays comes alive in a fashion you have to hear...
“Sophie Lee Morris’ Liesl stands out in beauty and in voice; her duet with Doman in “Sixteen Going on Seventeen,” complete with bicycle tricks, was to die for.” WB: My time playing The Sound of Music only becomes more special as this...
At least once a week I have a day where I get absolutely nothing done. I become paralyzed by thoughts; not really about how bad things are but how bad things are going to be. I’ve lost so many gigs already, but the thought of losing more and more just becomes...